Well I am the newest member of ScrapScription's Montly Mini Kit Club. I found this kit club via Cathy Zielske's Blog. Visit her post of Scrap Scription and there is a coupon code for free shipping on the December Kit.
So my December Kit arrived promptly the day after Christmas. This kit is entitled: "A Look Back @ 2010 " and its great. I quickly (well over a couple of hours of watching movies and scrapping) put the mini together. It great cause it was very basic to assemble plus they gave you step by step, including measurements, instructions for embellishing or you can go your own way. 
So the mini has a envelope for each month that holds a tag. I plan to use my new Polaroid Pogo to print mini prints from events in 2010 and use the prints and lists of event happening. Once this is completed I will posts detailed pics for each month.
With the leftover paper and embellishments, believe me there was plenty paper, I covered the packaging my Smashbox cosmetics came in the mail in. The letters on the top are American Crafts "Daydream" in black foam.
I added my own dividers and this box will hold all those misc treasures from past kits, found items and just plain cute stuff for each access when scrapping.
Wanna join this kit club with me? Visit Scrapscription.com and join. Here is a description:
ScrapScribers is ScrapScription's monthly kit club. As a ScrapScribers member you are guaranteed ScrapScription's 15th of the month kit each and every month! No need to worry about missing out on a fabulous kit; you will automatically be billed and sent your ScrapScribers kit each month.
As a member of ScrapScribers, you will receive your kit at a guaranteed discounted price of $32 each month. As always, the kit will continue to be made available to our customers on the 15th of each month. For non-ScrapScribers members, the normal price will be $35 or higher. In addition to being guaranteed a discounted price of $32 for each kit, every 6th kit will be shipped free of charge! Additionally, every 12th kit will receive a FREE ScrapScribers member's only kit that will not be offered to non-ScrapScribers members. Finally, if you are a ScrapScriber, you will get a preview of the kit around the 10th of the month and should receive your kit by the 15th.
Its like getting a new mini book project including the surprises each month. I have always wanted to make mini's to have around my house for the everyday pictures not just the events. I can't wait to see what is in store for January's kit.
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