My four day thanksgiving weekend was filled with family, lots of food, shopping, sleeping and christmas decor. Since I was able to get my black friday shopping done online and on thanksgiving day, that left my black friday free for decorating. The weather here in south louisiana didn't lend a helping hand. It rained all weekend so i focused on the inside.....
Let's start with the tree....
For many years now, family and friends have asked the process i use to decorate my tree, so here we go.
- my tree comes in three pieces. i fluff as i go and always arrange the top design before placing the last piece of the tree
- using a large roll of ribbon( purchased at hobby lobby, the 100 feet rolls) in gold, i loosley wrap around the tree starting at the top. Ribbon is tucked in the braches. This is mainly as a filler.
- repeat with red ribbon, tuck extra ribbon still on the roll under the tree skirt
- add beaded garland, this garland was given to me by my mother so not really sure where it came from
- add ornaments, gold picks, birds, etc
- starting at the top take a strip of the black wide mesh ribbon and attach to branches making poofs
- add umbrellas
- stand back and admire
thoughts for next year's tree.....
this is my first time christmas decorating in the new house. I basically went with what was done in the last house with a few changes. I would like to add a revolving tree stand next year. Along with something new to the top of the tree. Also i need to rember to move the rug before setting up the tree.
now on to the rest of the house.....
I do not have a mantel/fireplace, so i always decorate the top of the tv armoire. The presents are empty boxes wrapped in kraft paper. The nutcrackers were purchased from walmart a couple of years ago. The gold sconces are from hobby lobby last year. The red trees are actually a christmas card holder. The reindeer are older than I am and use to reside over the fireplace in my parents house, but since have been handed down to me.
On to the christmas village.....
I picked up two dickens village houses at a trash to treasure sale a few years ago and have added pieces from walmart's classic village collection each year. I have finally filled the entire ladder shelf, so i doubt i will add any other big pieces.
Next is my Fontanini Nativity collection........
As a young child, I always admired my aunt's extensive Fontanini collection and was given a starter kit the first christmas when i moved out. My collection has grown since then. My grandmother gives me a few pieces each christmas and I have found others on sale. In the old house it filled a round decorator table but now it resides on the shelves a my new chinese cabinet. I hope to add many more to this collection.

As i mentioned above, it rained almost the whole weekend so i did not manage to decorate the outside. I plan to do that this weekend, weather permitting. I did start on some of the outdoor decor that is staged in the house. I have seen the large ornaments hung in store window display a many of times and always wanted to do it on a smaller scale at my house. The windows in the old house did not lend well to this but in the new house they do. Simply using numerous types of ribbon and shatter proof ornaments, hang in different lengths from the inside of the windows. I also added some lighted garland wrapped in white mesh ribbon. i only got one window done but will be completing the second on with the rest of the outdoor decor this weekend.
Once the outdoor is complete, I will post more pics......