Ok guys this is the last Craft Room Storage post. Today's topic is cardstock and scraps. My cardstock selection isn't extensive. Manily I have the handful that come in my Studio Calico kits and packs of black, grey, and white. I used the white cubes that are divided into four paper sections. I have mixed sizes, 12 x 12 and 8.5 x 11. As for scraps, for now they are stored in that green, black and white, 12 x 12 paper box that fits nicely on a shelf. Anything smaller than 8.x5 x 11 is housed here. One day I would like to have drawers for each color separated. I am also thinking about re-organizing everything by color. I will wait to do this and see how the current set up works. I am waiting for BPC to offer the Organization for Scrapbookers class before I make any more major changes.
Thats all for now, thanks for reading along on my journey to organization.
I have numerous types and colors of pens, markers, pencils, etc......what creative person doesn't. I am the out of sight out of mind type of person, so I had to come up with a way to have all my pens visible and within reach. I have of the rotating carousel that holds all my essential tools and such but it hold everything vertical. As an artist I own various expensive art markers which i use a lot even in my paper projects. They have to be stored vertical. So I had the idea to use coffee mugs on a mug rack. Would you believe that when i went looking for a mug rack, it was the hardest thing to find. The above mug rack was found at my local Ross. To my surprise the mugs were colored and perfect to keep my rainbow of a collection separated.
Cardmaking is the reason I got back into my scrapbook obsession. When I joined the Big Buddy Program about a year ago, I was having trouble reaching my little buddy by phone. So I started sending weekly cards with just upbeat "hello" messages of encouragement. Then as our activities picked up with the program, the layouts started flowing. The obsession picked back up.
Enough ranting.....
My basic cardmaking supplies, ie: pre-folded cards and envelopes, are stored in the 4 drawer cube. Broken down by manufactor. The first drawer on the top left is all American Crafts. The second drawer on the top right is basic Paper Studio kraft cards and evenlopes, for when i want a vintage feel or black canvas. The bottom left drawer is a mixture of Martha Stewart card packs and misc stationary. And finally the bottom right drawer holds embossing heat gun and rubber mounted stamps.

One of the issues I had before with the way the room was set up is my machines were either out of reach or too much of pain to take in and out of storage. So the main goal of the re-org was to get my machines in clear view and have them permantly set up. Now all I have to do is simply turn my stool and either die cut using the slice, sew using the sewing machine or cut using my fiskars rotary cutter. Everything is out, plugged if in needed and ready to go. Needed accesories are stored on the pegboard above the machine. So far the system is working out really well.
Punches, Chipboard and Templates, Oh My!
Previously my punches were stored in the two-tiered baskets, then on the wired shelving unit hung on the wall. The weight was causing major issues and even caused the shelf to fall off the wall at one point. Now they are simple stored in a drawer, design side up, of my white cubes. As my collection grows, cause you know it will, the plan is too use more drawers and separate by theme.
Chipboard is something I don't have much of. The jars below of chipboard letters and numbers and a few packs of raw chipboard 12x12 sheets are all I own. The jars use to reside on the wired shelving unit but now are housed in a single drawer of the white cubes. Raw chipboard sheets are stacked on another shelf.
These templates are for my fiskars circle cutter. I rarely use them as I never need shapes that big. My slice machine cuts up to 4 inches and i use that all the time. They are neatly stacked in the drawer until i find a better use for them. Any ideas?
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